dry farming

[drai ˈfɑ:miŋ]
  • 释义
  • 旱作农业;非灌溉农业;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The annual average rainfall of 300 millimeters is typical of dry farming town.


  • 2、

    Grand heart county is an impoverished county that gives priority to body with dry farming.


  • 3、

    Next, have omnibus characteristic as the project technology system that supports contemporary dry farming.

    其次, 作为支撑现代旱作农业的工程技术体系具有综合性的特点.

  • 4、

    The plow pan farmlands in dry - farming areas is a serious problem to the agricultural production.


  • 5、

    From north to south, were the three regions: nomadic, dry farming and paddy regions.

    从南至北展开3个经济区: 北方草原游牧区 、 黄河流域的旱地作物区、南方水稻栽培区.
